Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Spooky Welcome, a week to go

Just a quick update on my Spooky Welcome.  It's got a ways to go so I;m not sure if it's going to be ready for 2015 Halloween.  :)  I also don;t have much DMC 310 left, and I have ordered more, but it could take a couple of weeks to get here.  It's okay though, as I don't want to rush through it.  It is fun to stitch on the koolaid dyed fabric.  Happy Halloween everyone, early!   :)


  1. OMG..Anne...God bless you. I can't imagine stitching so much in black with my 40 yr old eye...hehehe....this is looking lovely on that overdyed fabric..

    1. Hi NIma, I know, I had to stitch short times so as not to bother my old eyes either. I think it was much easier than trying to stitch orange on black fabric though! lol :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so very much for your lovely comment. I've worked really hard on it and finished. Yay! :) enjoy! Happy Halloween!

  3. Awesome project and great stitching. The fabric is really fun looking.

    1. Thanks a lot! I did enjoy dying the fabric with orange koolaid. It took 3 packages. 2 to soak in, and 1 to sprinkle about and I left it for 2 days to dry on. I won't try to wash it though, all the koolaid may come out! :)

  4. OH liking that a lot. I have just started the Blackwork journey and know Nima
    means my eyes are almost 68 years old so not a lot of hope, just hope I can finish it before they give up on me lol.

    1. I know what you mean. My eyes are 64! lol But a little stitching at a time, actually helps!! I wish you lots of great stitching to finish your Blackwork journey. :)

  5. Hi, I love reading your blog and would like to email you about my shop regarding promotions, giveaways etc. Could you please let me know your email address? (I can't find anywhere to contact you directly on here) or email me at
    Thanks :)

    1. Thanks very much. I appreciate you coming by to read my blog. :)

  6. That fabric colour is just awesome, and the black thread looks so gorgeous on it.

    1. So wonderful of you to say that Brigitte. I really enjoyed dying the fabric with orange koolaid. Enjoy my completion please on next post! Thanks! Happy Halloween! :)


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